1998 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 464)

Virginia Department for the Visually Handicapped

Item 417

Item 417

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
State Administration for Standards of Living Services (45100)$1,753,286$1,768,594
Regional and Areawide Assistance Administration (45101)FY1999 $1,753,286FY2000 $1,768,594
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1999 $1,116,774FY2000 $1,127,072
SpecialFY1999 $55,000FY2000 $55,000
Federal TrustFY1999 $581,512FY2000 $586,522

Authority; Title 63.1, Chapters 5 and 8; Title 2.1, Chapter 34, Code of Virginia; P.L. 97-35 and P.L. 93-112, Federal Code.