1998 Session

Budget Bill - HB30 (Chapter 464)

Virginia Commission on Youth

Item 10

Item 10

First Year - FY1999Second Year - FY2000
Social Services Research, Planning, and Coordination (45000)$280,653$282,117
Social Services Research and Planning (45003)FY1999 $280,653FY2000 $282,117
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1999 $280,653FY2000 $282,117

Authority: Title 9, Chapter 33, Code of Virginia.

The Commission on Youth, in cooperation with the Department of Education, shall investigate and report on the availability of state and local programs which provide educational services to expelled and suspended students who cannot be served in public school settings due to their dangerous and/or disruptive behavior. The study shall 1) determine, at a minimum and with particular attention to the middle school student population, the program locations, the number of students served, the estimated unserved populations, the extent of services provided, and the criteria for placement of students in such programs; 2) survey the local school divisions and Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts to develop recommendations as to the need for expanding such programs in number and in size, and for augmenting the nature of the services currently provided; and, 3) develop guidelines for the recommended number of alternative settings per 1,000 students in middle and high school and the average incremental cost thereof. The Commission and the Department shall submit a report on their findings to the Chairmen of the Education and Health and Finance Committees of the Senate, and to the Chairmen of the Education and Appropriations Committees of the House of Delegates, by June 30, 1999.