1998 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Environmental Quality

Item 411

Item 411 (Not set out)

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Environmental Technical and Financial Assistance (51500)$29,271,631$50,540,862
Litter Control and Recycling Activities (51501)FY1997 $2,115,236FY1998 $2,115,236
Financial Assistance for Environmental Resources Management (51502)FY1997 $1,329,354FY1998 $1,329,354
Construction Assistance Loans and Grants (51503)FY1997 $22,390,769FY1998 $43,660,000
Financial Assistance for Water Quality (51504)FY1997 $461,780FY1998 $461,780
Construction Assistance (51505)FY1997 $745,975FY1998 $745,975
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator and Management Assistance (51506)FY1997 $2,142,303FY1998 $2,142,303
Prevention of and Response to Chemical Emergencies (51508)FY1997 $86,214FY1998 $86,214
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $2,644,178FY1998 $15,913,409
SpecialFY1997 $15,300FY1998 $15,300
Dedicated Special RevenueFY1997 $4,086,695FY1998 $4,086,695
Federal TrustFY1997 $22,525,458FY1998 $30,525,458

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapters 11, 14 and 15, Title 44, Chapter 3.5, Title 62.1, Chapter 3.1, 22, 24, and 25, Code of Virginia.

A. The June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 unexpended balances for Construction Assistance are hereby reappropriated.

B. The Department of Environmental Quality, as part of its regular water testing program, shall provide $10,000 the first year and $10,000 the second year from the general fund to the Smith Mountain Lake Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Project. The funds will be used to take samples from the lake to test water quality and chemical content.

C.1. Out of this item, the Department shall expend an estimated $270,000 from the Waste Tire Trust Fund to procure one-time services to remove and utilize the existing waste tire stockpiles that were identified in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the "Tire Processing Proposal" for Region 3, as approved by the Department in a cooperative agreement with the New River Valley Planning District Commission dated January 14, 1994.

2. The Department shall develop and enter into cooperative agreements with the Cumberland Plateau Planning District Commission and the New River Valley Planning District Commission to provide ongoing waste tire management programs in Southwest and Southside Virginia. The focus of the agreements is to have the Commission serve as the contracting or administrative agent of ongoing waste tire programs for their respective jurisdictions. These cooperative agreements shall supersede all previous contracts, arrangements, and agreements with the two Commissions.

D. The Department of Environmental Quality, as part of its regular water testing program, shall provide $25,000 the first year and $25,000 the second year from the general fund to the Virginia Division of the Izaak Walton League of America to train and assist in maintaining a statewide program of volunteer citizen water quality monitors.

E. From existing program appropriations, the Department of Environmental Quality shall transfer $3,340 from the general fund in the first year to a dedicated special fund, in accordance with § 10.1-1422.01, Code of Virginia. This amount represents the difference between actual general fund litter tax collections in fiscal year 1996 and estimated collection amounts for which a supplemental appropriation was provided to the Department in fiscal year 1996. The fiscal year 1996 unexpended balances related to the litter control appropriation were carried forward into the 1996-98 biennium, to be used for grants to localities related to litter control and recycling.

F. Out of the amounts for Environmental Technical and Financial Assistance $10,000,000 the second year from the general fund shall be deposited to the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund established under the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Act of 1997. The Director of the Department of Environmental Quality shall make a grant of $291,962 to Stafford County for 50 percent of the cost of biological nutrient removal facilities that have already been installed at the Aquia Sewage Treatment Plant, and $365,500 to the Loudoun County Sanitation Authority and $1,387,500 to Fairfax County for 50 percent of the local assessments for the installation of biological nutrient reduction facilities at the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Facility.