1998 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of Environmental Quality

Item 408

Item 408 (Not set out)

First Year - FY1997Second Year - FY1998
Environmental Resources Management (51200)$20,872,504$22,773,335
Groundwater Management (51202)FY1997 $419,210FY1998 $419,210
Water Discharge Permit Management (51204)FY1997 $7,206,917FY1998 $7,256,917
Water Discharge Pretreatment Management (51208)FY1997 $172,124FY1998 $172,124
Permit Assistance and Operations Coordination (51212)FY1997 $708,743FY1998 $708,743
Water Resources Enforcement (51213)FY1997 $757,004FY1998 $757,004
Air Quality Stationary Source Regulation Enforcement (51214)FY1997 $6,097,697FY1998 $7,948,528
Air Quality Mobile Source Regulation Enforcement (51215)FY1997 $1,417,915FY1998 $1,417,915
Waste Permit Management (51216)FY1997 $2,267,034FY1998 $2,267,034
Waste Inspection Management (51217)FY1997 $1,312,588FY1998 $1,312,588
Waste Enforcement (51218)FY1997 $513,272FY1998 $513,272
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY1997 $11,184,294FY1998 $11,234,294
SpecialFY1997 $48,118FY1998 $48,118
Trust and AgencyFY1997 $72,362FY1998 $72,362
Dedicated Special RevenueFY1997 $5,129,072FY1998 $6,979,903
Federal TrustFY1997 $4,438,658FY1998 $4,438,658

Authority: Title 10.1, Chapter 11.1, 13 and 14, Title 44, Chapter 3.5, Title 46.2, §§ 46.2-1176 through 46.2-1187.3, and Title 62.1, Chapter 3.1, 20, 24 and 25, Code of Virginia.

A. The Department shall waive fees for Water Protection Permits required for maintenance dredging and the placement of dredged materials by the United States Corps of Engineers in Accomack County.

B. Prior to January 8, 1997, the Department of Environmental Quality shall present a plan to the Chairmen of the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees detailing the resources required to implement the Title V permitting program mandated by the federal Clean Air Act amendments of 1990. The Department shall not expend funds to implement the Title V program until sixty days after the submittal of the plan to the two committees.

C. As a condition of the appropriation for this item, the Department of Environmental Quality shall ensure that each regional office has a full-time compliance auditor position filled by September 1, 1997. All compliance auditor positions shall be filled through the competitive hiring process.

D. As a condition of the appropriation for this item, the Department of Environmental Quality shall establish a process for the effective central office review of consent orders and shall develop a program to conduct post-audits of a random sample of enforcement actions each year. The Department shall report on its implementation of this item by December 1, 1997, to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations and on Conservation and Natural Resources and the Senate Committees on Finance and on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources.

E. The Department of Environmental Quality shall provide quarterly reports to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations and on Conservation and Natural Resources and the Senate Committees on Finance and on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources, on its progress in implementing an air pollution operating permit program pursuant to Title V of the federal Clean Air Act.