House Bill No. 29
Offered January 14, 1998
Prefiled December 19, 1997
A BILL to amend and reenact Chapter 912 of the Acts of Assembly of 1996, as amended by Chapter 924 of the Acts of Assembly of 1997, appropriating the public revenues for the two years ending, respectively, on the thirtieth day of June, 1997, and the thirtieth day of June, 1998.
Patron - Dickinson
Referred to the Committee on Appropriations
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. That Items 28, 29, 52, 71, 73, 78, 86, 92, 97.10, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 158, 243, 270, 277, 278, 279, 287, 313, 315, 332, 385, 392, 393, 404, 472, 476, 479, 480, 531, 552, C-7, C-7.10, C-8.40, C-36.45, §§ 3-1.01, 3-2.01, 3-3.02, 3-3.05, 4-2.02 and 4-6.01 of Chapter 912 of the Acts of Assembly of 1996 and Chapter 924 of the Acts of Assembly of 1997 be amended and reenacted and that said Chapters be further amended by adding Items 273.10, C-8.50, C-20.95, C-36.50, and C-92.10 and by striking Item C-36.45.
2. § 1. That the following are hereby appropriated, for the current biennium, as set forth in succeeding parts, sections and items, for the purposes stated and for the years indicated:
A. The balances of appropriations made by previous acts of the General Assembly which are recorded as unexpended, as of the close of business on the last day of the previous biennium, on the final records of the State Comptroller; and
B. The public taxes and arrears of taxes, as well as monies derived from all other sources, which shall come into the State treasury prior to the close of business on the last day of the current biennium. The term "monies" means nontax revenues of all kinds, including but not limited to fees, licenses, services and contract charges, gifts, grants, and donations, and projected revenues derived from proposed legislation contingent upon General Assembly passage.
§ 2. Such balances, public taxes, arrears of taxes, and monies derived from all other sources as are not segregated by law to other funds, which funds are defined by the State Comptroller, pursuant to § 2.1-196.1, Code of Virginia, shall establish and constitute the general fund of the State treasury.
§ 3. The appropriations made in this act from the general fund are based upon the following:
| First Year | Second Year | Total |
Unappropriated Balance, June 30, 1996 | $103,758,180 | | $103,758,180 |
Additions to Balance | $38,463,751 | $70,091,306 | $108,555,057 |
| | $76,278,760 | $114,742,511 |
Official Revenue Estimates | $7,926,029,124 | $8,068,942,284 | $15,994,971,408 |
| | $8,512,631,311 | $16,438,660,435 |
Transfers | $369,545,912 | $410,132,894 | $779,678,806 |
| | $410,478,218 | $780,024,130 |
Total General Fund Revenues Available for Appropriation | $8,437,796,967 | $8,549,166,484 | $16,986,963,451 |
| | $8,999,388,289 | $17,437,185,256 |
The appropriations made in this act from nongeneral fund revenues are based upon the following:
Balance, June 30, 1996 | $404,236,389 | | $404,236,389 |
Official Revenue Estimates | $8,998,255,924 | $8,730,806,573 | $17,729,062,497 |
| | $9,061,025,464 | $18,059,281,388 |
Bond Proceeds | $266,538,837 | $81,500,000 | $348,038,837 |
| $338,538,837 | $148,135,000 | $486,673,837 |
Total Nongeneral Fund Revenues Available for Appropriation | $9,669,031,150 | $8,812,306,573 | $18,481,337,723 |
| $9,741,031,150 | $9,209,160,464 | $18,950,191,614 |
TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES | $18,106,828,117 | $17,361,473,057 | $35,468,301,174 |
| $18,178,828,117 | $18,208,548,753 | $36,387,376,870 |
§ 4. Nongeneral fund revenues which are not otherwise segregated pursuant to this act shall be segregated in accordance with the acts respectively establishing them.
§ 5. The sums herein appropriated are appropriated from the fund sources designated in the respective items of this act.
§ 6. When used in this act the term:
A. "Current biennium" means the period from the first day of July, nineteen hundred ninety-six, through the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred ninety-eight, inclusive.
B. "Previous biennium" means the period from the first day of July, nineteen hundred ninety-four, through the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred ninety-six, inclusive.
C. "Next biennium" means the period from the first day of July, nineteen hundred ninety-eight, through the thirtieth day of June, two thousand, inclusive.
D. "State agency" means a court, department, institution, office, board, council or other unit of state government located in the legislative, judicial, or executive departments or group of independent agencies, or central appropriations, as shown in this act, and which is designated in this act by title and a three-digit agency code.
E. "Nonstate agency" means an organization or entity as defined in § 2.1-394.1 (D), Code of Virginia.
F. "Authority" sets forth the general enabling statute, either state or federal, for the operation of the program for which appropriations are shown.
G. "Discretionary" means there is no continuing statutory authority which infers or requires state funding for programs for which the appropriations are shown.
H. "Appropriation" shall include both the funds authorized for expenditure and the corresponding level of full-time equivalent employment.
I. "Sum sufficient" identifies an appropriation for which the Governor is authorized to exceed the amount shown in the Appropriation Act if required to carry out the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
J. "Item Details" indicates that, except as provided in § 6.H. above, the numbers shown under the columns labeled Item Details are for information reference only.
K. Unless otherwise defined, terms used in this act dealing with budgeting, planning and related management actions are defined in the instructions for preparation of the Executive Budget.
§ 7. The total appropriations from all sources in this act have been allocated as follows:
| General Fund | Nongeneral Fund | Total |
OPERATING EXPENSES | $16,860,626,871 | $17,896,334,298 | $34,756,961,169 |
| $16,863,782,919 | $17,904,331,738 | $34,768,114,657 |
LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT | $82,698,266 | $5,293,592 | $87,991,858 |
JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT | $386,250,883 | $17,540,035 | $403,790,918 |
| $393,935,358 | | $411,475,393 |
EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT | $16,375,104,956 | $17,158,571,796 | $33,533,676,752 |
| $16,370,576,529 | $17,166,569,236 | $33,537,145,765 |
INDEPENDENT AGENCIES | $330,000 | $714,928,875 | $715,258,875 |
STATE GRANTS TO NONSTATE AGENCIES | $16,242,766 | | $16,242,766 |
CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENSES | $122,443,572 | $778,052,979 | $900,496,551 |
| $141,637,572 | $844,566,979 | $986,204,551 |
TOTAL | $16,983,070,443 | $18,674,387,277 | $35,701,307,011 |
| $17,005,420,491 | $18,748,898,717 | $35,754,319,208 |
§ 8. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "1998 Amendments to the 1997 Appropriation Act."