2015 Session

Budget Bill - HB1400 (Enrolled)

Enacting ClauseFirst Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016Totals

Part 1: Operating Expenses

Legislative Department$79,547,386
Judicial Department$470,532,626
Executive Department$45,733,347,872
Executive Offices$62,461,904$62,398,095
Office of Administration$2,259,904,475
Office of Agriculture and Forestry$95,471,198$96,366,085
Office of Commerce and Trade$1,048,332,059
Office of Education$17,017,835,473
Office of Finance$2,696,758,209
Office of Health and Human Resources$13,208,768,227
Office of Natural Resources$403,143,752
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security$2,708,055,683
Office of Technology$393,527,811
Office of Transportation$5,760,950,549
Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs$62,943,183$59,554,590
Central Appropriations$15,195,349
Independent Agencies$729,735,493
State Grants to Nonstate Entities$0$0

Part 2: Capital Project Expenses

General Conditions
Office of Administration$0$0
Office of Agriculture and Forestry$0$1,821,000
Office of Education$419,401,705
Office of Health and Human Resources$0$0
Office of Natural Resources$2,750,000
Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security$14,321,000$30,996,000
Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs$561,539$561,539
Office of Transportation$77,891,817$39,925,683
Central Appropriations$287,098,381

Part 3: Miscellaneous

Part 4: General Provisions