2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Lucas
Access to AP Exams for Low Income Students

Item 145 #5s

Item 145 #5s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2021 $714,387 FY2022 $714,387 GF

Page 134, line 6, strike "$7,764,498,080" and insert "$7,765,212,467".
Page 134, line 6, strike "$8,046,840,548" and insert "$8,047,554,935".

Page 170, after line 32, insert:

"43. AP Exam Access

Out of this appropriation, $714,387 the first year and $714,387 the second from the general fund is provided to school divisions to cover the costs associated with low-income students taking the AP exam."


(This amendment provides $714,387 GF each year for the Department of Education to distribute funds to school divisions to cover the costs of AP exams for low income students.)