2016 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Committee Approved)

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Newport News Aviation Academy

Item 138 #8s

Item 138 #8s

First Year - FY2017 Second Year - FY2018
Education: Elementary and Secondary
Direct Aid to Public Education FY2017 ($50,000) FY2018 ($100,000) GF

Page 106, line 6, strike "$27,391,970" and insert "$27,341,970".
Page 106, line 6, strike "$28,091,970" and insert "$27,991,970".

Page 111, line 8, strike the first instance of "$100,000" and insert "$50,000".

Page 111, line 8, strike "and $100,000 the second year.".

Page 111, after line 11, insert:  "These funds shall be used to increase the number of students served and may not be used for facilities purposes.  The Academy shall provide a progress report to the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees by November 15, 2016.".  


(This amendment provides $50,000 that will be used to create a workforce development center that incorporates education and the business community. This funding is to support an increase in the number of students served towards the goal of 500 students at the Virginia Center of Aeronautics to expand their skills to work in the aviation and aerospace sectors.)