2012 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Landes
STTR Matching Program (language only)

Item 105 #5h

Item 105 #5h

Commerce And Trade
Economic Development Incentive Payments

Page 74, line 43, after "businesses" strike "." and insert:
"and, a minimum of $2,000,000 of the amounts included in this paragraph shall be allocated for matching funds for recipients of federal Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards for Virginia-based small businesses.  Businesses meeting the following criteria shall be eligible to apply for an award to be administered by the Research and Technology Investment Advisory Committee:
1. The applicant has received an STTR award targeted at the development of qualified research or technologies;
2. At least 51 percent of the applicant's employees reside in Virginia; and
3. At least 51 percent of the applicant's property is located in Virginia.
Applicants shall be eligible for matching grants of up to $100,000 for Phase I awards and up to $500,000 for Phase II awards.  All applicants shall be required to submit a commercialization plan with their application.  Any unused funds shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Commonwealth Research and Commercialization Fund."

(This amendment earmarks a portion of the general fund amounts deposited into the Commonwealth Research and Commercialization Fund to match federal Small Business Technology Transfer program grant recipients. The program is meant to help small business compete with large enterprises that have more resources for research and development and subsequently stimulate the Virginia economy by encouraging the development and commercialization of new technologies.)