2004 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5001 (Committee Approved)

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AIDS Waiver Program (language only)

Item 326 #22s

Item 326 #22s

Health And Human Resources
Medical Assistance Services, Department of

Page 263, line 39, strike ", terminate".
Page 263, line 41, after "Waiver" insert:
", provided that individuals eligible for the waivers do not lose necessary services".

(This amendment modifies language in the introduced budget which would amend or combine the Medicaid Elderly and Disabled Waiver and the AIDS Waiver programs. It would ensure that eligible AIDS waiver recipients continue to receive necessary services whether the AIDS Waiver remains as a separate program or is combined with the Elderly and Disabled Waiver program. If the AIDS Waiver were terminated, it is possible that recipients of these services would lose nutritional supplements and case management services.)