2002 Session

Budget Amendments - SB29 (Committee Approved)

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Eliminate At-will Positions

Item 543.07 #6s

Item 543.07 #6s

First Year - FY2001 Second Year - FY2002
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2001 $0 FY2002 ($157,025) GF

Page 430, line 16, strike "($57,236,460)" and insert "($57,393,485)".
Page 362, after line 29, insert:
"D.  On and after April 25, 2002, no agency of the Commonwealth shall employee, or continue to employee any person whose position is exempt from Title 2.2, Chapter 29, Code of Virginia, the Personnel Act, pursuant to §2.2-2905.20, code of Virginia.  Persons currently employed in such positions shall be provided four weeks salary as a severance benefit.  No such person shall be reemployed in a classified position without first making application for such position in a competitive process open to all qualified individuals."

(This amendment eliminates funding for at-will employees effective April 25, 2002. A companion amendment in Part 3 captures the nongeneral fund savings.)