1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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Distribute 2nd Yr. Fin. Aid

Item 547 #16c

Item 547 #16c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY1999 $0 FY2000 ($2,600,000) GF

Page 426, line 2, strike "$22,584,899" and insert "$19,984,899".
Page 428, line 18, strike "and $2,600,000 the second year"
Page 428, line 25, strike "and the second year".

(This amendment redistributes $2.6 million in financial aid in the second year from Central Appropriations directly to the public colleges and universities. The $2.6 million was approved by the 1998 General Assembly. Companion amendments for the public colleges and universities reflect both this redistribution and an additional $3.2 million in general fund support for student financial aid. The combination of the 20 percent tuition reductions approved for fiscal year 2000 and the additional $3.2 million appropriation brings the average "remaining need" percentage for all public institutions to 43 percent.)