1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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View Budget Item amendments

Use ETF for Equipment

Item 200 #10c

Item 200 #10c

First Year - FY1999 Second Year - FY2000
Education: Higher Education
George Mason University FY1999 $0 FY2000 ($1,200,000) GF

Page 186, line 8, strike "$178,345,033" and insert "$177,145,033".
Page 186, line 55, after "F.", insert "1."
Page 187, line 2, strike "$8,781,250" and insert "$7,581,250"".
Page 187, after line 12, insert:
"2.  Out of the Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund allocation for George Mason University, $1,200,000
the second year is provided for equipment for electronic classrooms, student computer labs, and libraries, and for support for the telecommunications network infrastructure."

(This amendment transfers to the Equipment Trust Fund $1.2 million in equipment authorized for George Mason University in the budget, as introduced. The equipment would be purchased under a short-term debt program.)