1999 Session

Budget Amendments - SB800 (Conference Report)

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APA Review of CCRE Records (language only)

Item 17 #2c

Item 17 #2c

Legislative Department
Auditor of Public Accounts

Page 15, after line 28, insert:
"D.  The Auditor of Public Accounts shall include as part of the annual audit of Clerks of the Circuit Courts a review of the reporting, completeness, and accuracy of criminal disposition records forwarded to the Department of State Police for inclusion in the Central Criminal Records Exchange.  In conjunction with these audits, the Auditor of Public Accounts will share his findings with the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia.  The Auditor of Public Accounts and the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia shall review these findings jointly and issue an interim report by December 1, 1999, that will include any findings and recommendations to improve the reporting, completeness, and accuracy of the information."

(This amendment directs the Auditor of Public Accounts to review the criminal records used in the Central Criminal Records Exchange, and to issue a report jointly with the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court.)