| First Year - FY2019 | Second Year - FY2020 | Totals |
Office of Commerce and Trade | $931,595,985 | $996,220,261 $1,004,320,261 | |
Secretary of Commerce and Trade | $936,185 | $1,076,185 | |
102 | Administrative and Support Services | $936,185 | $1,076,185 | |
Economic Development Incentive Payments | $47,964,808 | $93,823,498 $94,823,498 | |
103 | Economic Development Services | $47,964,808 | $93,823,498 $94,823,498 | |
Board of Accountancy | $2,476,080 | $2,104,195 | |
104 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $2,476,080 | $2,104,195 | |
Department of Housing and Community Development | $161,990,156 | $182,110,872 $189,110,872 | |
105 | Housing Assistance Services | $71,902,939 | $69,673,655 $76,673,655 | |
106 | Community Development Services | $69,855,721 | $91,205,721 | |
107 | Economic Development Services | $13,773,354 | $14,773,354 | |
108 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $2,922,902 | $2,922,902 | |
109 | Governmental Affairs Services | $350,291 | $350,291 | |
110 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,184,949 | $3,184,949 | |
Department of Labor and Industry | $17,252,645 | $17,252,645 | |
111 | Economic Development Services | $1,971,054 | $1,971,054 | |
112 | Regulation of Business Practices | $919,006 | $919,006 | |
113 | Regulation of Individual Safety | $10,604,222 | $10,604,222 | |
114 | Regulation of Structure Safety | $536,371 | $536,371 | |
115 | Administrative and Support Services | $3,221,992 | $3,221,992 | |
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy | $37,080,084 | $37,307,084 | |
116 | Minerals Management | $29,917,215 | $30,007,215 | |
117 | Resource Management Research, Planning, and Coordination | $3,116,931 | $3,253,931 | |
118 | Administrative and Support Services | $4,045,938 | $4,045,938 | |
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation | $23,954,438 | $23,954,438 | |
119 | Regulation of Professions and Occupations | $23,954,438 | $23,954,438 | |
Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity | $7,338,570 | $6,763,570 | |
120 | Economic Development Services | $7,338,570 | $6,763,570 | |
Fort Monroe Authority | $6,315,606 | $6,080,167 | |
121 | Economic Development Services | $6,315,606 | $6,080,167 | |
Virginia Economic Development Partnership | $33,597,198 | $37,807,392 | |
122 | Economic Development Services | $33,597,198 | $37,807,392 | |
Virginia Employment Commission | $560,608,306 | $555,408,306 | |
123 | Workforce Systems Services | $557,581,011 | $552,381,011 | |
124 | Economic Development Services | $3,027,295 | $3,027,295 | |
125 | Language Only | | |
Virginia Tourism Authority | $21,035,424 | $21,235,424 $21,335,424 | |
126 | Tourist Promotion | $21,035,424 | $21,235,424 $21,335,424 | |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority | $11,046,485 | $11,296,485 | |
126.10 | Economic Development Services | $11,046,485 | $11,296,485 | |