2024 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 130 Amendments

First Year - FY2025Second Year - FY2026
Member Request
130#1hSCHEV - Aviation Pathways$507,280$507,280
130#2hSCHEV - Workforce Credential Grant Program$19,500,000$19,500,000
130#3hSCHEV - VMSDEP$86,173,082$86,173,082
130#4hSCHEV - TAG Program$8,500,000$17,000,000
130#5hSCHEV - TAG Award for Foster Care Youth$150,000$150,000
130#6hSCHEV - TAG Online App (Language Only)
130#7hSCHEV - TAG Supplement for Hispanic-Serving Institution$5,000,000$5,000,000
130#8hSCHEV - HBCU FUnding$50,000,000$0
130#9hSCHEV - VTAG Deadline Changes (Language Only)
130#10hSCHEV - Financial Aid Eligibility$5,000,000$5,000,000
130#11hSCHEV - Aviation Pathways Online Portal$67,844$67,844
Committee Approved
130#1hSCHEV - Aviation Pathways$507,280$507,280
130#2hSCHEV - VTAG Technical Changes (Language Only)
130#3hSCHEV - Financial Aid and Waiver Programs$4,750,000$44,250,000
Floor Approved
130#1hSCHEV - Aviation Pathways$507,280$507,280
130#2hSCHEV - VTAG Technical Changes (Language Only)
130#3hSCHEV - Financial Aid and Waiver Programs$4,750,000$44,250,000
Conference Report
130#1cSCHEV - Transfer Financial Aid to HBCUs-$2,500,000-$2,500,000
130#2cSCHEV - VTAG Technical Changes (Language Only)
130#3cSCHEV - Increase VTAG Award$2,000,000$2,000,000
130#4cSCHEV - Financial Aid and Waiver Programs$20,000,000$20,000,000
130#5cSCHEV - Restore Pell Grant Initiative Funding$0$37,500,000
130#6cSCHEV - Restore Optometry Program Funding$20,000$20,000
130#7cSCHEV - College Transfer Grant$0$200,000