2020 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 86 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
86#1hHB 1210 - Language Accessibility of Voting and Election Materials$0$100,000
86#2hLanguage Accessibility of Voting Materials $50,000$50,000
86#3hImproved State Supervision of Local Election Administration and Development$90,000$90,000
86#4hHB 895 -Enforcement of Campaign Contribution Limits$150,000$100,000
86#5hHB468 - Office of Election Fraud Ombudsman$200,000$200,000
86#6hHB 201 - Same-day Voter Registration, In-person Absentee Voting, and Election Day Voting$30,000$30,000
86#7hHJ 23 - Blockchain Study at the Department of Elections $100,000$100,000
86#8hHB 215 - Voter Registration for Persons Age 16 or Older$33,200$0
86#9hRegulations for Ranked Choice Elections$0$40,000
86#10hHB 209 - Updates to VERIS, Removing Certain Codes$8,814$0
86#11hHB 208 - New Absentee Voting Reason$10,000$10,000
86#12hVoter Referendum; School Modernization$150,000$0
Committee Approved
86#1hRemove Presidential Primary Funding from Base Budget-$147,308$0
86#2hHB 540 - Director of Operations for ELECT$96,644$96,644
Floor Approved
86#1hRemove Presidential Primary Funding from Base Budget-$147,308$0
86#2hHB 540 - Director of Operations for ELECT$96,644$96,644
Conference Report
86#1cState Board of Elections Membership Increase$6,800$6,800
86#2cRemove Presidential Primary Funding from Base Budget-$147,308$0
86#3cVERIS Replacement and Help America Vote Act Funding $2,035,142$0
86#4cHB 540 - Director of Operations for ELECT$96,644$96,644