2020 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 57 Amendments

First Year - FY2021Second Year - FY2022
Member Request
57#1hHB 569 - Out-of-state concealed handgun permits; reciprocity$305,000$305,000
57#2hHB 1392 - Establish a Freedom of Information Act Ombudsman $0$304,375
57#3hHB 761 - Preclearance of Covered Voting Practices by the Office of the Attorney General $243,000$243,000
57#4hHB 624 - Division of Human Rights within the Office of the Attorney General $50,000$50,000
57#5hHB 827 - Division of Human Rights within the Office of the Attorney General$50,000$0
57#6hHB 11 - Division of Human Rights within the Office of the Attorney General $50,000$0
57#7gHardware/Software Licenses and Maintenance Agreements Costs$250,000$250,000
57#8gInformation Technology Support Staff Increase$321,067$321,067
Committee Approved
57#1hHB 761 - Preclearance of Covered Voting Practices by the Office of the Attorney General $159,988$159,988
57#2hHB 582 - Collective Bargaining $138,599$138,599
57#3hWrits of Actual Innocence (HB 974)$366,299$366,299
Floor Request
57#1hOAG Legal Services - Clarifying Language  (Language Only)
Floor Approved
57#1hHB 761 - Preclearance of Covered Voting Practices by the Office of the Attorney General $159,988$159,988
57#2hHB 582 - Collective Bargaining $138,599$138,599
57#3hWrits of Actual Innocence (HB 974)$366,299$366,299
Conference Report
57#1cRestore Language Prohibiting Outside Entity Funding for OAG Staff (Language Only)
57#2cHardware and Software Licenses and Maintenance Agreements Costs$250,000$250,000
57#3cWrits of Actual Innocence (HB 974)$366,299$366,299