Committee Approved | | |
136#1h | CodeRVA Regional High School (Language Only) |
136#2h | Power Scholars Academy - YMCA BELL | $250,000 | $250,000 |
136#3h | Supplemental Lottery Per Pupil Allocation | $31,901,958 | $48,086,936 |
136#4h | Virginia Preschool Initiative - Classroom Assessment Plan | $75,000 | $0 |
136#5h | Virginia Preschool Initiative: Classroom Observations | $350,000 | $350,000 |
136#6h | At-Risk Add-On Supplement | $0 | -$7,118,921 |
136#7h | New Governor's School Funding Methodology | -$1,273,742 | -$1,287,366 |
136#8h | Provide Two Percent Teacher & Support Staff Pay Raise July 1, 2019 | $0 | $36,334,179 |
136#9h | Adjust Non-Participation for Preschool | -$244,885 | -$244,923 |
136#10h | Technical Correction for SPED Regional Tuition | -$1,856,793 | -$2,531,624 |
136#11h | Virginia Preschool Initiative - Professional Development & Training | $300,000 | $700,000 |
136#12h | New Initiative for Elem Schools < 300 ADM | $0 | -$7,754,249 |
136#13h | Clarifies Language for Use of VPI Prior Year Fund Balance (Language Only) |
136#14h | Small School Division Enrollment Loss | $6,112,706 | $0 |
136#15h | Expand Use of At-Risk Add-on Program Allocation (Language Only) |
Floor Approved | | |
136#1h | CodeRVA Regional High School (Language Only) |
136#2h | Power Scholars Academy - YMCA BELL | $250,000 | $250,000 |
136#3h | Supplemental Lottery Per Pupil Allocation | $31,901,958 | $48,086,936 |
136#4h | Virginia Preschool Initiative - Classroom Assessment Plan | $75,000 | $0 |
136#5h | Virginia Preschool Initiative: Classroom Observations | $350,000 | $350,000 |
136#6h | At-Risk Add-On Supplement | $0 | -$7,118,921 |
136#7h | New Governor's School Funding Methodology | -$1,273,742 | -$1,287,366 |
136#8h | Provide Two Percent Teacher & Support Staff Pay Raise July 1, 2019 | $0 | $36,334,179 |
136#9h | Adjust Non-Participation for Preschool | -$244,885 | -$244,923 |
136#10h | Technical Correction for SPED Regional Tuition | -$1,856,793 | -$2,531,624 |
136#11h | Virginia Preschool Initiative - Professional Development & Training | $300,000 | $700,000 |
136#12h | New Initiative for Elem Schools < 300 ADM | $0 | -$7,754,249 |
136#13h | Clarifies Language for Use of VPI Prior Year Fund Balance (Language Only) |
136#14h | Small School Division Enrollment Loss | $6,112,706 | $0 |
136#15h | Expand Use of At-Risk Add-on Program Allocation (Language Only) |
Senate Committee Approved | | |
136#1s | Direct Aid - Reverse New Funding for Elementary School Principals | $0 | -$7,672,244 |
136#2s | Direct Aid - Extended Enrollment Loss | -$6,525,645 | $0 |
136#3s | Direct Aid - Adjust Lottery Proceeds Forecast (Language Only) |
136#4s | Direct Aid - Continue Phased Elimination of Project Graduation Funding | -$693,614 | -$1,387,239 |
136#5s | At-risk Add-on Language (Language Only) |
136#6s | Teacher Salary Supplement (REPLACEMENT) | $0 | $36,334,179 |
136#7s | Update School Breakfast Base Year | -$2,255,422 | -$2,278,405 |
136#8s | SOQ - Local School Board Costs | -$2,507,088 | -$2,465,584 |
136#9s | Direct Aid - Technical Update | -$1,856,793 | -$2,531,624 |
136#10s | VA Preschool Initiative Per Pupil/Curriculum | $4,608,169 | $4,612,193 |
136#11s | VA Preschool Initiative - Classroom Observation Instrument | $250,000 | $250,000 |
136#12s | VA Preschool Initiative - Teacher Qualifications Language (Language Only) |
136#13s | VA Preschool Initiative - Local Match Language (Language Only) |
136#14s | School Division Consolidation Plan (Language Only) |