Higher Education Auxiliary Enterprises (80900) a sum sufficient, estimated at | $201,182,374 | $208,887,659 |
Food Services (80910) | FY2017 $60,807,919 | FY2018 $63,084,747 $64,268,443 |
Bookstores And Other Stores (80920) | FY2017 $1,536,704 | FY2018 $1,536,704 $1,589,744 |
Residential Services (80930) | FY2017 $35,729,579 | FY2018 $37,106,490 $35,978,941 |
Parking And Transportation Systems And Services (80940) | FY2017 $5,662,915 | FY2018 $6,028,125 $6,377,540 |
Telecommunications Systems And Services (80950) | FY2017 $2,322,981 | FY2018 $2,322,981 $1,399,993 |
Student Health Services (80960) | FY2017 $6,202,142 | FY2018 $6,445,439 $6,459,538 |
Student Unions And Recreational Facilities (80970) | FY2017 $7,197,590 | FY2018 $7,471,764 $7,371,038 |
Recreational And Intramural Programs (80980) | FY2017 $12,706,387 | FY2018 $13,217,275 $14,033,196 |
Other Enterprise Functions (80990) | FY2017 $23,801,103 | FY2018 $24,682,169 $23,800,083 |
Intercollegiate Athletics (80995) | FY2017 $45,215,054 | FY2018 $46,991,965 $47,609,143 |
Fund Sources: | | |
Higher Education Operating | FY2017 $172,467,054 | FY2018 $180,593,264 $178,786,885 |
Debt Service | FY2017 $28,715,320 | FY2018 $28,294,395 $30,100,774 |