2016 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 364 Amendments

First Year - FY2017Second Year - FY2018
Member Request
364#1hIncrease SEAS Funding$50,000$50,000
364#2hSupplemental Ag BMP Funding$11,980,042$11,980,042
364#3hHigh Hazard Dam Funding$375,000$375,000
364#4hDCR Natural Heritage Areas (Language Only)
364#5hFully Fund Ag BMP Cost Share Assistance$22,291,200$86,000,000
364#6hSWCD Admin and Operating Support$1,637,509$1,891,809
364#7hSmall Dam Repairs$350,000$350,000
364#8hFully Fund Ag BMP Cost Share Assistance$20,934,203$86,041,596
364#9hRappahannock River Basin Commission$6,500$6,500
364#10hNRCS to Provide Engineering Services to SWCDs (Language Only)
364#11hSWCD Engineering Support$500,000$500,000
364#12hHearthstone Dam Repairs$633,100$0
364#13hDCR Evaluation of Phosphorus Levels$100,000$100,000
Committee Approved
364#1hIncrease SEAS Funding$50,000$50,000
364#2hSmall Dam Repairs$375,000$375,000
364#3hRappahannock River Basin Commission$6,500$6,500
364#4hHearthstone Dam Repairs$633,100$0
364#5hNRCS to Provide Engineering Services to SWCDs (Language Only)
Floor Approved
364#1hIncrease SEAS Funding$50,000$50,000
364#2hSmall Dam Repairs$375,000$375,000
364#3hRappahannock River Basin Commission$6,500$6,500
364#4hHearthstone Dam Repairs$633,100$0
364#5hNRCS to Provide Engineering Services to SWCDs (Language Only)
Conference Report
364#1cIncrease SEAS Funding$50,000$50,000
364#2cRappahannock River Basin Commission$6,500$6,500
364#3cSmall Dam Repairs $350,000$350,000
364#4cHearthstone Dam Repairs$633,100$0
364#5cNRCS to Provide Engineering Services to SWCDs (Language Only)
364#6cAppomattox River Trail$100,000$0
364#7cLake Pelham and Mountain Run Dams$2,942,490$0