2014 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 193 Amendments

First Year - FY2015Second Year - FY2016
Member Request
193#1hUVA Undergraduate Enrollment$4,061,861$11,123,863
193#2hUVA Foundation for the Humanities$150,000$150,000
Committee Approved
193#1hUVA Foundation for the Humanities$75,000$75,000
193#2hAuthorize Operation of Off-Campus Instructional Site (Language Only)
193#3hUVA Redirect Operating-$3,318,580-$3,494,580
193#4hUVA HAC Access and Affordability$1,721,733$4,234,685
Floor Approved
193#1hUVA Foundation for the Humanities$75,000$75,000
193#2hAuthorize Operation of Off-Campus Instructional Site (Language Only)
193#3hUVA Redirect Operating-$3,318,580-$3,494,580
193#4hUVA HAC Access and Affordability$1,721,733$4,234,685