Committee Approved | | |
139#1s | Move Performance Pay Pilot to FY 2013 | $1,050,000 | $0 |
139#1h | Update K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction | $22,387,794 | $22,446,164 |
139#2h | Expand Early Intervention Reading Initiative | $2,058,887 | $4,126,695 |
139#2s | Update free lunch eligibility data for K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction | $23,530,099 | $23,565,389 |
139#3s | Continue School Opening Waivers (Language Only) |
139#3h | PSAT Testing Fees | -$913,016 | -$913,016 |
139#4h | Language on Consolidations (Language Only) |
139#4s | Sales Tax | $0 | $2,391,200 |
139#5s | Literary Fund Revenue (Language Only) |
139#5h | Non-personal Inflation Factors | $52,966,479 | $53,152,277 |
139#6h | VRS Rate | -$9,999,070 | -$10,382,604 |
139#6s | Additional Assistance with Teacher Retirement Costs | $22,500,000 | $22,500,000 |
139#7s | Restore Support Cost of Competing Adjustment (COCA) | $30,126,229 | $12,144,748 |
139#7h | Full-Time Virtual Schools (Language Only) |
139#8s | Virginia Preschool Initiative | $9,085,337 | $9,133,622 |
139#9s | Expand Early Intervention Reading Initiative | $4,110,932 | $4,126,691 |
139#10s | Virtual Virginia Online Courses | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 |
139#11s | Survey of Online Learning (Language Only) |
139#12s | Career and Technical Education Equipment | $2,000,000 | $0 |
139#13s | GED Test Costs | $0 | -$75,000 |
139#14s | Governor's Schools | $100,000 | $100,000 |
139#15s | Governor's School-Hampton Roads | $100,000 | $0 |
139#16s | Governor's Schools Cap | $0 | $73,402 |
139#17s | Restore New Teacher Mentors | $500,000 | $500,000 |
139#28h | COCA for Support Positions | $11,979,093 | $12,316,176 |
139#31h | Additional Sales Tax - Amazon | $0 | $1,768,172 |
Conference Report | | |
139#1c | Additional Sales Tax - Amazon | $0 | $2,391,207 |
139#2c | Update K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction | $23,523,260 | $23,572,262 |
139#3c | Expand Early Intervention Reading Initiative | $2,065,723 | $4,119,833 |
139#4c | PSAT Testing Fees | -$913,016 | -$913,016 |
139#5c | Language on Consolidations (Language Only) |
139#6c | Move Performance Pay Pilot to FY 2013 | $1,050,000 | $0 |
139#7c | Continue School Opening Waivers (Language Only) |
139#8c | Literary Fund Revenue (Language Only) |
139#9c | Virtual Virginia Online Courses | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 |
139#10c | Additional Assistance with Retirement, Inflation, and Preschool Costs | $55,000,000 | $55,000,000 |
139#11c | COCA for Support Positions | $27,845,718 | $12,149,125 |
139#12c | Update Regional Vocational Educ Centers | $3,617,999 | $3,186,742 |
139#13c | Governor's School-Hampton Roads | $100,000 | $0 |
139#14c | Survey of Online Learning (Language Only) |
139#15c | Governor's Schools Cap | $0 | $73,402 |
139#16c | Governor's Schools | $100,000 | $100,000 |
139#17c | GED Test Costs | $0 | -$75,539 |
139#18c | Language for the Appropriation Detail (Language Only) |
139#19c | Clarification of Sales Tax Distribution (Language Only) |
139#20c | Purchase EpiPen for Schools | $200,000 | $0 |