2012 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 283 Amendments

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Member Request
283#1sRepeal Fiscal Disincentives in Certain Localities$250,000$250,000
283#2sCapture CSA Unappropriated Balances to Expand Services (Language Only)
283#3sRestore Funding for Wraparound Services in CSA$5,401,216$5,401,216
283#4sRestore Funding for Wraparound Services in CSA$6,101,216$6,101,216
283#5sWrap-around Services for Children with Special Education Needs$5,401,216$5,401,216
283#6sRepeal Fiscal Disincentives for CSA Residential Services$4,214,486$4,214,486
283#7sRepeal Fiscal Disincentives for CSA Residential Services$4,214,486$4,214,486
283#8sCSA Training$50,000$50,000
283#9sRepeal Fiscal Disincentives for CSA Residential Services$4,214,486$4,214,486
Committee Approved
283#1sAdjust Appropriation to Reflect CSA Caseload and Utilization-$7,253,150-$10,443,826
283#2sReduce Funding for CSA Audit-$120,000$0
283#3sRestore CSA Funding for Wrap-around Services$5,401,216$0
283#4sRepeal Fiscal Disincentives in Certain Localities$206,462$209,146