2012 1

Budget Bill - SB30 (Introduced)

Item 195 Amendments

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Member Request
195#2sUVA - Fund New STEM Faculty Start-Up Packages$616,000$2,394,000
195#3sUVA - Fund Virginia Logistics Center$250,000$250,000
Committee Approved
195#1sProvide funding to support the Virginia Logistics Research Center$325,000$325,000
195#2sAdd 4VA language under participating higher education institutions (Language Only)
195#3sUVA - Reallocation Percentages (Language Only)
195#4sUVA - Faculty Salary Increase$0$4,996,764
195#5sUVA - Partially Redirect Degree Incentive Funding-$972,144-$972,144