2012 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 138 Amendments

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Member Request
138#1hCareer and Technical Education Resource Center in Henrico$150,000$150,000
138#2hPurchase EpiPen for Each School$200,000$0
138#3hProject Discovery$688,500$688,500
138#4gExpand Youth Development Academies$475,279$475,279
Committee Approved
138#1hPurchase EpiPen for Schools$200,000$0
138#2hExpand Youth Development Academies$475,279$475,279
138#3hCommunities in Schools-$1,000,000-$1,000,000
138#4hPilot to Recruit College Students-$300,000-$400,000
138#5hJobs for Virginia Graduate-$250,000-$250,000
Floor Approved
138#1hPurchase EpiPen for Schools$200,000$0
138#2hExpand Youth Development Academies$475,279$475,279
138#3hCommunities in Schools-$1,000,000-$1,000,000
138#4hPilot to Recruit College Students-$300,000-$400,000
138#5hJobs for Virginia Graduate-$250,000-$250,000