2012 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 129 Amendments

First Year - FY2013Second Year - FY2014
Member Request
129#1hHeart of Appalachian Tourism Authority$22,500$45,000
129#2hSouthwest Regional Recreation Authority$250,000$250,000
129#3hMarket Special Olympics Polar Plunge$50,000$50,000
129#4hPromote Polar Plunge Event$50,000$50,000
129#5gCorrect language providing funding for grants (Language Only)
Committee Approved
129#1hReduce Increases in Tourism Marketing-$800,000-$800,000
129#2hUse of Tourism Advertising Funding (Language Only)
129#3hSports Hall of Fame-$500,000$0
Floor Approved
129#1hReduce Increases in Tourism Marketing-$800,000-$800,000
129#2hUse of Tourism Advertising Funding (Language Only)
129#3hSports Hall of Fame-$500,000$0