2012 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Department of General Services

Item 70

Item 70 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Procurement Services (73000)$22,456,148$22,456,148
Statewide Procurement Services (73002)FY2011 $22,456,148FY2012 $22,456,148
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2011 $2,193,151FY2012 $2,193,151
SpecialFY2011 $1,960,625FY2012 $1,960,625
EnterpriseFY2011 $18,302,372FY2012 $18,302,372

Authority: Title 2.2, Chapter 11, Articles 3 and 6, Code of Virginia.

A. The amounts for Surplus Property Programs shall be paid solely from revenues derived from charges for services.  The estimated cost for sales of federal surplus property is $825,000 first year and $825,000 the second year. The estimated cost for sales of state surplus property is $1,865,000 the first year and $1,865,000 the second year.

B. The amount for Statewide Cooperative Procurement and Distribution Services shall be paid solely from revenues derived from charges for services.  The estimated cost is $31,800,000 the first year and $32,000,000 the second year.

D. The Commonwealth's electronic procurement system will be financed by fees assessed to state agencies and institutions of higher education and vendors. 

E. The Department of General Services shall allow nonprofit food banks operating in Virginia and granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to purchase directly from the Virginia Distribution Center.

F. The Department of General Services shall advance an enterprise-wide surplus material reuse, sale, and disposal services model.  The Department is to solicit and consider surplus material management services available from the private sector that may be used to support such an enterprise model.  This enterprise model, as contemplated in the Governor's Government Reform and Restructuring initiative, is to include participation by state agencies and is to be made available to local government entities.  The intent of this model is to leverage the Commonwealth's state and local public entities' surplus material inventory to maximize reuse among public bodies, revenue from sales to owning agencies, reduction of property disposed of in landfills, and result in operational efficiencies and cost savings to public entities for the management of surplus material. The Department shall release its solicitation no later than August 1, 2011.  The status of this effort will be reported in the Department's report due no later than October 1, 2011 to the Shared Services Committee of the Governor's Government Reform and Restructuring initiative, as required by the December 1, 2010 Government Reform and Restructuring report.