2012 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Introduced)

Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia

Item 225

Item 225 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2011Second Year - FY2012
Museum and Cultural Services (14500)$2,300,216$1,800,216
Collections Management and Curatorial Services (14501)FY2011 $152,827FY2012 $152,827
Education and Extension Services (14503)FY2011 $743,218FY2012 $743,218
Operational and Support Services (14507)FY2011 $1,404,171FY2012 $904,171
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2011 $1,853,923FY2012 $1,353,923
SpecialFY2011 $446,293FY2012 $446,293

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 25, Code of Virginia.

A. Any revenue generated by the Frontier Culture Musuem of Virginia from the development of its properties pursuant to § 23-298, Code of Virginia, may be retained by the museum to support agency operations. Such revenues shall be deposited into a special fund which shall be created on the books of the Comptroller.  Amounts in this fund shall be appropriated consisitent with the provisions of this act.

B. Out of the amounts appropriated for this Item, up to $500,000 the first year from the general fund is provided to help ensure the continued operation of the Frontier Culture Museum of Virginia through FY 2011.  Prior to release of this funding, the Frontier Culture Museum shall develop and initiate an operating and marketing plan that will effectively maximize museum revenue generation and efficiently utilize existing nongeneral fund and general fund operating revenue to ensure future operating viability of the museum.  The plan should include measures the Frontier Culture Museum will take to address any outstanding and future financial obligations to the Virginia Information Technologies Agency.  The museum shall present its plan to the Secretary of Education no later than June 1, 2011, with funding released only to the amount required for the agency to operate through FY 2011.