2008 1

Budget Bill - HB30 (Introduced)

Item 283 Amendments

First Year - FY2009Second Year - FY2010
Member Request
283#1hIncrease Foster Care Ind. Living Stipend in PD 8$123,648$123,648
283#2hCSA Match Rate, Incentives and Exemptions (Language Only)
283#3hCSA Administrative Costs$2,500,000$2,500,000
283#4hCSA Administrative Costs$2,500,000$2,500,000
283#5hCSA Administrative Costs$2,500,000$2,500,000
283#6hAuthority to Privatize CSA (Language Only)
283#7hConformity with Administrative Process Act (Language Only)
283#8hConformity with Administrative Process Act (Language Only)
283#9hCSA Financial Incentives Implementation Work Group (Language Only)
283#10hOne-time Funding for 12-Bed Facility$0$1,900,000
Committee Approved
283#1hTANF for GF in CSA Trust Fund Grant Programs$0-$965,579
283#2hCSA-Improve Use of Medicaid$0-$2,000,000
283#3hCSA Match Rate, Incentives and Exemptions$941,381$5,108,295
Floor Approved
283#1hTANF for GF in CSA Trust Fund Grant Programs$0-$965,579
283#2hCSA-Improve Use of Medicaid$0-$2,000,000
283#3hCSA Match Rate, Incentives and Exemptions$941,381$5,108,295
Conference Report
283#1cReduce Funding for Foster Care Rate Increase$0-$522,584
283#2cCSA-Improve Use of Medicaid$0-$2,000,000
283#3cCSA Match Rate, Incentives and Exemptions$4,363,310$2,876,617
283#4cTANF for GF in CSA Trust Fund Grant Programs$0-$965,579
283#5cCSA Report on Interagency Guidelines (Language Only)