Authority: §§ 18.2-308.2:2, 19.2-387, 19.2-388, 27-55, 52-4, 52-4.4, 52-8.5, 52-12, 52-13, 52-15, 52-16, 52-25 and 52-31 through 52-34, Code of Virginia.
A.1. There is hereby reappropriated the unexpended balances of funding for communications equipment remaining at the close of business on June 30, 2000, in the appropriation for Item 461, Chapter 935, Acts of Assembly of 1999, in the subprogram Telecommunications, and the balances remaining in this subprogram on June 30, 2001.
2. The general fund revenues available for appropriation listed for the second year in Enactment No. 2 of this act include reversions in the amount of $3,017,978 from the reappropriation authorized in Item 491 of this act.
B.1. Included in this appropriation is $5,000,000 the first year from the general fund for the first phase of a statewide-shared land mobile radio system. This funding will allow the agency to continue the radio system buildout and begin engineering for the system. If required, the funding can be used for tower land acquisition and the construction of a communication control building and renovations of existing land mobile radio system related facilities.
2. The Department of State Police may not enter into a contract for the financing, including leasing or other vendor financing, design, and engineering of a statewide-shared land mobile radio system until approval is given by the Secretaries of Public Safety, Technology, and Finance. The Attorney General shall review and approve the form and content of any proposed contracts. In addition, a technical steering committee comprised of representatives from the Department of Information Technology, Department of Technology Planning, Department of Planning and Budget, Secretary of Public Safety, and the Department of State Police, shall be continued. This committee shall review and make recommendations, as directed by the Secretary of Public Safety, over all aspects of the statewide-shared land mobile radio system, including the development of any request for proposals. The Department of State Police shall submit periodic reports, as directed by the Secretary of Public Safety, to this committee regarding its progress in implementing the statewide-shared land mobile radio system. Within its request for proposals, the Department of State Police should direct vendors to submit private financing options, including leasing, as part of their proposals.
3. The Department of State Police is authorized to conduct negotiations with potential vendor(s) and shall, based upon the outcome of such negotiations, report to the Governor and the General Assembly the expected funding requirements for the implementation of a statewide shared land mobile radio system.
2. 4. There is hereby reappropriated the unexpended balances for funding for the statewide-shared land mobile radio system remaining in this program on June 30, 2001.
C.1. It is the intent of the General Assembly that wireless 911 calls be delivered directly by the Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) provider to the local Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), in order that such calls be answered by the local jurisdiction within which the call originates, thereby minimizing the need for call transfers whenever possible.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 6 (§ 56-484.8 et seq.) 7, Chapter 15, Title 56, Code of Virginia, the Department of State Police is authorized to receive moneys collected in the Wireless E-911 Fund, not to exceed $750,000 in each fiscal year, to offset dispatch center operating costs incurred for answering wireless 911 telephone calls originating in localities for which the Department of State Police continues to serve as the PSAP for wireless 911 telephone calls. Such payments shall be made pursuant to procedures established by the Wireless E-911 Service Board.
D. The Department of Technology Planning shall submit an interim report on implementation of the statewide-shared land mobile radio system, including consideration of (1) organizational options for building, owning, and operating the radio system; (2) options for financing the system, including both public and private financing; and (3) options for allocating the cost of the system and charging back such costs to the agencies using the system. The interim report shall be submitted by July 14, 2000, to the Governor and the Chairmen of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations Committees, with a final report, including recommendations, to be submitted by November 1, 2000. The Secretaries of Public Safety and Finance shall provide assistance, as needed, in completing these reports.
E. Out of the Motor Carrier Special Fund (0455), $900,000 in the first year and $900,000 in the second year shall be provided to the Department of the State Police.