2002 Session

Budget Bill - HB29 (Chapter 814)

Old Dominion University

Item 201

Item 201 (Not set out)

First Year - FY2001Second Year - FY2002
Educational and General Programs (10000)$146,999,041$148,798,058
Higher Education Instruction (100101)FY2001 $91,962,827FY2002 $93,566,468
Higher Education Research (100102)FY2001 $443,418FY2002 $443,526
Higher Education Public Services (100103)FY2001 $533,936FY2002 $534,007
Higher Education Academic Support (100104)FY2001 $20,861,396FY2002 $20,867,693
Higher Education Student Services (100105)FY2001 $7,680,129FY2002 $7,682,018
Higher Education Institutional Support (100106)FY2001 $15,102,808FY2002 $15,113,054
Operation and Maintenance of Plant (100107)FY2001 $10,414,527FY2002 $10,591,292
Fund Sources:  
GeneralFY2001 $83,968,264FY2002 $85,141,256
Higher Education OperatingFY2001 $63,030,777FY2002 $63,656,802

Authority: Title 23, Chapter 5.2, Code of Virginia.

A. This appropriation includes the graduate program in engineering at Virginia Associated Research Campus, at Newport News and at the Hampton Engineering Education and Research Center.

B. Out of this appropriation shall be expended an amount estimated at $431,013 from the general fund and $198,244 from nongeneral funds the first year and $431,013 from the general fund and $198,244 from nongeneral funds the second year for the educational telecommunications project to provide graduate engineering education, subject to a plan approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

C. Out of this appropriation, $74,000 the first year and $74,000 the second year, from the general fund is designated to expand the CHANCE Outreach Program to Virginia Beach.

D. Out of this appropriation $4,726,361 and 41.88 positions the first year from the general fund and $1,440,000 and 12.62 positions the first year from nongeneral funds and $4,726,361 and 41.88 positions the second year from the general fund and $1,440,000 and 12.62 positions the second year from nongeneral funds is designated for the TELETECHNET program at 22 community college sites.

E.1. Out of this appropriation, $590,400 the first year and $590,400 the second year from the general fund is designated for the costs to lease and equip space for activities related to technology transfer, research, and graduate work.

2. The lease agreement shall be approved by the Governor, pursuant to § 2.1-504.2 2.2-1149, Code of Virginia and the agreement shall provide for a long term lease to support the work associated with the activities referred to in E1.

F. Out of this appropriation, $50,000 and 1.00 position the first year and $50,000 and 1.00 position the second year from the general fund is designated to support an International Maritime, Ports, and Logistics Management Institute.

G. Out of this appropriation, $30,000 the first year and $30,000 the second year from the general fund is designated to support the Virginia Writing Project.

H. Included in Item 291, paragraph C 3 of this act is $3,004,047 from the general fund and $253,142 in nongeneral funds the first year and $2,649,020 from the general fund and $253,142 in nongeneral funds the second year to support the debt service on bonds issued by the Virginia College Building Authority to finance equipment. The Director of the Department of Planning and Budget shall transfer to the Virginia College Building Authority on July 1, 2000, the amounts in the first year, and on July 1, 2001, the amounts in the second year to support the authority's debt obligation.

I.1. Out of this appropriation, $2,610,000 from the general fund and $2,610,000 from nongeneral funds the first year and $2,610,000 from the general fund and $2,610,000 from nongeneral funds the second year are provided for the development and support of a Technology Workforce Training Center designed to train workers in the field of information technology.

2. Out of this appropriation, $2,015,280 and 10 positions the first year and $2,015,280 and 10 positions the second year from the general fund is provided to support workforce development in engineering and computer science. The University shall actively promote and recruit high school and community college students to consider engineering and computer science programs for their college careers. In carrying out the workforce development program, the University shall take into consideration that the General Assembly will be studying the advantages and disadvantages of incentive scholarships and their role in the Commonwealth's financial aid program.

J. Out of this appropriation, $1,165,196 and 2.00 positions the first year and $1,165,196 and 2.00 positions the second year from the general fund is designated to enhance the use of instructional technology in the classroom.

K. Out of this appropriation, $800,000 the first year and $800,000 the second year from the general fund shall be provided to finance a new TELETECHNET site in Northern Virginia in the Route 29 business district.

L. Out of this appropriation, $75,000 in each year is provided from the general fund to support the Lambert's Point Summer Program, a community development initiative of Old Dominion University.

M. This appropriation authorizes Old Dominion University to charge students a technology service fee in conformity with § 4-2.01 c of this act. This appropriation includes $600,993 the first year and $600,993 the second year from nongeneral funds, the unexpended balance of which shall not revert to the general fund in any fiscal year but shall be carried forward on the books of the Department of Accounts and allotted for expenditure each July 1. The fee charged resident undergraduate students each year shall not exceed one percent of the total of tuition and required fees charged FY 1998, and the amounts appropriated in this Item reflect that policy. The Department of Planning and Budget shall allot technology fee revenues in excess of the amounts appropriated in this Item provided that the revenues are not generated by resident undergraduate students and provided that such revenues reflect a fee that does not exceed three percent of the total of tuition and required fees charged in FY 1998 to nonresident undergraduate students and three percent of the total of tuition and required fees charged in FY 1998 to graduate and professional students.

N. Notwithstanding § 55-297, Code of Virginia, Old Dominion University is hereby designated as the administrative agency for the Virginia Coordinate System.