2021 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB1800 (Conference Report)

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Petition Signature Requirements During COVID-19 Pandemic (language only)

Item 86 #1c

Item 86 #1c

Department of Elections


Page 85, after line 48, insert:

"K.1 Notwithstanding Virginia Code §§ 24.2-506, 24.2-521, and 24.2-684.1, during a state of emergency as declared by the Governor due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) during 2021, any candidate for nomination by primary or any candidate for any office, other than a party nominee, may gather petition signatures as prescribed under Chapter 6 of Title 24.2 or by using the relevant form published by the Department of Elections as described under paragraph (2).

2. For local offices, offices of the General Assembly, statewide offices, constitutional offices, and referenda, the Department of Elections will develop and publish, not later than March 1, 2021, forms to be used for petition circulation that permit a qualified petition signer to sign a petition while not in the presence of a petition circulator, provided that, in using the form, the petition signer must provide the following information:
a. Affirmation that the signer is who they attest they are;
b. Affirmation that the signer is a resident of their jurisdiction, including a statement of their address; and
c. The last four digits of the signer's social security number.

3. If an individual signs a petition form published by the Department of Elections as described under paragraph (2), that individual shall transmit that form, either by mail, electronically, or physically, to the candidate, the candidate's campaign, or the petition circulator.

4. If a petition form is required to be submitted to the Chair or Chair of the several committees of the respective party of the candidate for whom the petition is signed, the candidate, the candidate's campaign, or the appropriate petition circulator shall submit the petition forms as prescribed under Title 24.2 of the Virginia Code.

5. If a petition form is required to be submitted to a general registrar, the candidate, the candidate's campaign, or the appropriate petition circulator shall submit the petition forms as prescribed under Title 24.2 of the Virginia Code.

6. If a petition form is required to be submitted to the State Board of Elections, the candidate, the candidate's campaign, or the appropriate petition circulator shall submit the petition form to the State Board of Elections either by mail, electronically, or physically. Any such petition forms shall be required to be received by the State Board of Elections by the relevant deadline under Virginia Code Title 24.2.

7. If a petition is required to be submitted to a court or other appropriate authority pursuant to Virginia Code § 24.2-684.1, the individual circulating such petition shall submit the petition to the court or other appropriate authority as prescribed under Title 24.2 of the Virginia Code."


(This amendment creates uniformity in collecting petition signatures for state and local offices during the COVID-19 pandemic.)