2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5015 (Committee Approved)

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View Budget Item amendments

Restore Full Funding for Medicaid Graduate Medical Education Residency Slots

Item 482.20 #17s

Item 482.20 #17s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Central Appropriations
Central Appropriations FY2021 $1,350,000 FY2022 $2,600,000 GF

Page 205, line 1, strike "($754,015,992)" and insert "($752,665,992)".
Page 205, line 1, strike "($1,335,540,477)" and insert "($1,332,940,477)".

Page 205, line 9, strike "$754,015,992" and insert "$752,665,992".

Page 205, line 9, strike "$1,335,540,477" and insert "$1,332,940,477".

Page 215, strike lines 8 and 9.

Page 216, line 8, strike "($79,572,610)" and insert "($78,222,610)".

Page 216, line 8, strike "($127,501,107)" and insert "($124,901,107)".


(This amendment restores $1.4 million the first year and $2.6 million the second year to fully fund an error in the Official Medicaid Forecast that removed funding for new graduate medical residency slots funded through Medicaid. Included in this funding is $100,000 from the general fund and $100,000 from nongeneral funds for the Graduate Medical Education residency program each year of the biennium, to provide funding for 27 slots, rather than 25, for the residents who started in July 2021. These funds were included in the budget passed in March, but subsequently unallotted in April due to the COVID-19 pandemic and eliminated in the introduced budget for the Special Session.)