2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - SB5015 (Committee Approved)

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Prohibit Reduction in Special Education Private Day Rates (language only)

Item 293.10 #1s

Item 293.10 #1s

Health and Human Resources
Children's Services Act


Page 108, line 7, unstrike "293.10" and insert:

"No community policy management team receiving and disbursing funds under the Children's Services Act to pay for a student's placement in a private school serving students with disabilities shall reduce, unless mutually agreed upon, any previously agreed upon daily or monthly rate for the 2020-21 school year as long as the student's placement is in a private school serving students with disabilities that is continuing to provide a free and appropriate public education. Full or partial transition to remote learning or telehealth services due to a pandemic or declaration of a public health emergency by the Governor shall not be considered grounds for reducing a previously agreed upon daily or monthly rate or terminating or voiding a contract or purchase service order, nor shall it be grounds for amending a previously agreed upon individualized education plan (IEP) for a student with disabilities."


(This amendment adds language prohibiting the reduction of private day school rates for students with disabilities due to the use of remote learning or telehealth services during a pandemic or declared public health emergency.)