2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5005 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Sickles
Restore Language on Delaying STEP-VA (language only)

Item 322.10 #1h

Item 322.10 #1h

Health and Human Resources
Grants to Localities


Page 148, line 18, unstrike "322.10".

Page 148, line 39, unstrike:

"Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapters 607 and 683, 2017 Acts of Assembly, and."

Page 148, unstrike lines 40 through 44.


(This amendment restores language that was inadvertently stricken in the introduced budget which eliminates the requirement that Community Services Boards and Behavioral Health Authorities increase STEP-VA services beyond those that are funded in Chapter 854, 2019 Acts of Assembly, unless an appropriation is available and an allotment of funds is made. The budget passed in March provided additional funding outpatient services, peer support services, expanded crisis services and military and veteran’s mental health services through STEP-VA, and when funding was unallotted in April due to the pandemic language was added eliminating the requirement to proceed with implementation of these services. The introduced budget eliminates funding for these additional services through STEP-VA.)