2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5005 (Committee Approved)

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Use of Fund Balances (language only)

Item 3-4.01 #1h

Item 3-4.01 #1h

Auxiliary Enterprises and Sponsored Programs in Institutions of Higher Education
Auxiliary Enterprise Investment Yields


Page 234, after line 33, insert:

"4. Institutions of higher education shall have the authority to use available fund balances from other fund sources, to include educational and general program reserves, to support operations, increased costs or revenue reductions, for auxiliary enterprise programs for the 2020-2022 biennium.  However, with the exception of transfer payments, educational and general program reserves may not be used to directly support intercollegiate athletics."


(This amendment provides additional flexibility for the use of fund balances to address expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic.)