2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5005 (Committee Approved)

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ABC Net Profit Transfer - Reflect Accrual Based Transfer of FY 2020 Profits (language only)

Item 3-1.01 #3h

Item 3-1.01 #3h

Interfund Transfers


Page 233, set out Item § 3-1.01.

Item § 3-1.01, Paragraph 2.a., strike "$125,100,000" and insert "$136,200,745".


(This is a technical amendment to increase the transfer of Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority net profits in fiscal year 2021 by $11.1 million, to reflect the accrual-based transfer to the general fund of excess fiscal year 2020 Q4 profits deposited in the general fund in Q1 of fiscal year 2021. This amendment is to an item not set out in the Governor's introduced budget; it will be set out in the enrolling process.)