2020 Special Session I

Budget Amendments - HB5005 (Committee Approved)

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Virginia Initiative to Support Internet Outside of School Networks (VISION) (language only)

Item 141 #1h

Item 141 #1h

Department of Education, Central Office Operations


Page 35, after line 8, insert:

"E. Virginia Initiative to Support Internet Outside of School Networks (VISION) program.

To support technology needs and internet access for virtual learning as a result of extended school closures and modified school schedules through the VISION program, $26,900,000 in federal relief funds are provided from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (P.L. 116-136), including $18,000,000 in Governor's Education Emergency Relief (GEER) funds previously announced for this purpose and $8,900,000 in GEER funds previously announced to support longer-term internet access initiatives."


(This amendment redirects $8.9 million in federal Governor's Education Emergency Relief funds that had previously been announced to be used to support longer-term internet access initiatives to provide a total of $26.9 million to support school divisions with shorter-term virtual learning needs.)