2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Lewis
CO - Regional Tech and Workforce Academy (Language Only) (language only)

Item C-24 #1s

Item C-24 #1s

Virginia Community College System


Page 489, line 30, after "divisions." strike the remainder of line 30 through "Community Colleges." on line 31, and insert:

"The facility will be owned and controlled jointly by the State Board for Community Colleges and the City of Norfolk, and the Academy will be operated under a governance structure approved by the State Board for Community Colleges, the City of Norfolk, Norfolk Public Schools, and other participating local schools divisions.".


(This amendment provides a language change that ensures that the Advanced Regional Technology and Workforce Academy facility being developed by VCCS, the City of Norfolk, Norfolk Public Schools, and various private entities be jointly owned and operated, rather than be under exclusive ownership and control by VCCS. The City of Norfolk, Norfolk Public Schools, and various private entities will be providing 50 percent of the construction costs of the facility.)