2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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View Budget Item amendments

Chief Patron: Chase
Form of Ballot: Party Identification of Certain Candidates; Constitutional Offices

Item 86 #4s

Item 86 #4s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Department of Elections FY2021 $50,000 FY2022 $50,000 GF

Page 75, line 49, strike "$16,866,760" and insert "$16,916,760".
Page 75, line 49, strike "$16,719,722" and insert "$16,769,722".

Page 76, after line 40, insert:

"I. Included within the appropriation for this Item is $50,000 each year from the general fund for additional ballot costs for the Department of Elections associated with the provisions of Senate Bill 131 of the 2020 General Assembly."


(This amendment provides $50,000 GF each year to reflect the estimated cost for the Department of Elections to make ballot changes and provide additional ballots pursuant to SB 131 of the 2020 General Assembly, contingent upon its final passage.)