2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Surovell
Abolishing Death Penalty

Item 48 #1s

Item 48 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Judicial Department
Indigent Defense Commission FY2021 ($3,928,516) FY2022 ($3,928,516) GF

Page 38, line 19, strike "$61,249,487" and insert "$57,320,971".
Page 38, line 19, strike "$63,148,850" and insert "$59,220,334".

Page 38, strike all of line 21


(This amendment reduces by $3.9 million GF each year the appropriation for the Capital Defender Office to account for the subtraction of the cost of maintaining the Office pursuant to the provisions of SB 449 of the 2020 General Assembly, which would abolish the death penalty.)