2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: McClellan
City Road Maintenance (language only)

Item 451 #2s

Item 451 #2s

Department of Transportation


Page 438, following line 4, insert:

"E. Notwithstanding the provisions of §33.2-319, Code of Virginia, payment to the City of Richmond for City Street Maintenance shall be made based on the provisions of §33.2-366 as applicable to any county having an area less than 100 square miles. The Commonwealth Transportation Board shall approve program payment amounts at a level sufficient to accomplish this purpose. The Board is further authorized to reallocate funds from such other programs as it deems necessary to accomplish this purpose."


(This amendment provides that city street maintenance payments to the City of Richmond be made at the same rate paid to certain small counties that have withdrawn from the State highway system and thereby maintain their own roads in the same manner as a city.)