2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Edwards
General Disrict Court Judge Addition in 23rd Judicial Disrict

Item 42 #3s

Item 42 #3s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Judicial Department
General District Courts FY2021 $262,000 FY2022 $262,000 GF

Page 35, line 11, strike "$126,130,122" and insert "$126,392,122".
Page 35, line 11, strike "$127,994,142" and insert "$128,256,142".

Page 35, after line 45, insert:

"G. Included in the appropriation for this Item is $262,000 each year from the general fund to add one additional general district court judgeship in the 23rd Judicial District, effective July 1, 2020."


(This amendment provides $262,000 GF each year to create another General District Court Judgeship in the 23rd Judicial District begining in FY 2021.)