2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Reeves
Culpeper Pretrial Services

Item 406 #2s

Item 406 #2s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services FY2021 $280,500 FY2022 $280,500 GF

Page 401, line 21, strike "$146,493,500" and insert "$146,774,000".
Page 401, line 21, strike "$147,891,914" and insert "$148,172,414".

Page 405, after line 41, insert:

"O. Out of this appropriation, $280,500 the first year and $280,500 the second year from the general fund is provided for Pretrial Services Programs for Culpeper County. These amounts are seventy-five percent of the costs projected and the locality shall provide the remaining twenty-five percent as a condition of receiving these funds."


(This amendment provides $280,500 GF each year for a Pretrial Services Program for Culpeper County. The funding represents 75 percent of the projected costs and the locality will provide the remaining 25 percent of the costs.)