2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
African American History Center in New Market

Item 385 #1s

Item 385 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Natural Resources
Department of Historic Resources FY2021 $825,000 FY2022 $825,000 GF

Page 384, line 47, strike "$11,567,711" and insert "$12,392,711".
Page 384, line 47, strike "$9,074,711" and insert "$9,899,711".

Page 386, following line 47, insert:

"N. Out of the amounts for Financial Assistance for Historic Preservation $825,000 the first year and $825,000 the second year from the general fund is provided to the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation to support the development of the Shenandoah Valley African-American History Center in New Market, the Shenandoah Valley African-American Heritage Trail, and visitor improvements to the New Market Battlefield where United States Troops won the Medal of Honor."


(This amendment provides funding for the creation of the Shenandoah Valley African American history center and museum in New Market.)