2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Hanger
Co-Patron(s): Cosgrove
VT-Ext. - Agent Market Adjustment

Item 236 #1s

Item 236 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Virginia Cooperative Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station FY2021 $1,680,000 FY2022 $1,680,000 GF

Page 231, line 42, strike "$93,864,832" and insert "$95,544,832".
Page 231, line 42, strike "$93,864,832" and insert "$95,544,832".


(This amendment provides $1.7 million in both years for additional funding to the Cooperative Extension to provide stable funding to hire and retain skilled employees to address market competitiveness, to facilitate their outreach regarding nutrient reduction and water quality practices to Virginian farmers. This proposal was the result of a 2017 study completed by the Chesapeake Bay Commission, Boots on the Ground: Improving Technical Assistance to Farmers.)