2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Member Request)

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Chief Patron: Norment
Co-Patron(s): Deeds
VMI - Math Education and Miller Academic Centers

Item 226 #1s

Item 226 #1s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Virginia Military Institute FY2021 $122,500 FY2022 $126,000 GF

Page 225, line 49, strike "$44,354,698" and insert "$44,477,198".
Page 225, line 49, strike "$44,354,698" and insert "$44,480,698".


(This amendment provides funding for the Math Education and Resource Center (MERC) and the Miller Academic Center (MAC), both of which were originally funded through private funds. The MERC was created to address cadets' performance in mathematics with particular emphasis on incoming freshmen and those in STEM majors. The MAC facilitates cadets' academic success and timely progress toward a degree by providing academic tutors and other academic support services.)