2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Virginia Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund

Item 406 #3s

Item 406 #3s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Public Safety and Homeland Security
Department of Criminal Justice Services FY2021 ($1,645,244) FY2022 ($193,658) GF
FY2021 -2.00 FY2022 -2.00 FTE

Page 401, line 22, strike "$146,493,500" and insert "$144,848,256".
Page 401, line 22, strike "$147,891,914" and insert "$147,698,256".

Page 405, lines 17 through 18, strike "$2,645,244 the first year and $193,658 the second year" and insert "$1,000,000 the first year to be deposited to the Virginia Violence Prevention Fund".

Line 18, strike "and two positions".


(This amendment removes a portion of funding that was proposed in the introduced budget to fund the Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund and administrative positions. The remaining funding leaves $1 million GF in the first year to be transferred to the fund.)