2020 Session

Budget Amendments - HB30 (Floor Approved)

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Adjust Funding for Community Centers

Item 114 #4s

Item 114 #4s

First Year - FY2021 Second Year - FY2022
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development FY2021 $500,000 FY2022 ($2,000,000) GF

Page 97, line 48, strike "$115,738,362" and insert "$116,238,362".
Page 97, line 48, strike "$116,738,362" and insert "$114,738,362".

Page 101, line 28, strike "$1,000,000" and insert "$1,500,000".

Page 101, line 28, after "the first year", strike the rest of the line.

Page 101, line 29, at the beginning of the line, strike "year".


(This amendment adjusts funding to include a total of $1.5 million GF in the first year for planning and capital campaign efforts intended to assist in securing federal, local, and private funding to build, rehabilitate or repurpose community centers in Accomack and Northampton Counties.)